This chapter considers the various outlooks and opinions we can can form on issues linked to Environmental Systems and Societies. In this chapter students also explore the factors that influence their values and perspectives such as culture, philosophy, religion, politics, as well as historical influences.



Lesson 1: Exploring values, perspectives and worldviews

  • What are values and how do individual or societal values influence our perspectives? Read through the summary of British and South African values and consider how these influence the perspectives of individuals.
  • Discuss the the ways values can influence perspectives

Lesson 2: Environmental perspectives – ecocentric, anthropocentric and technocentric

  • Research Just Stop Oil and discuss their environmental perspectives.
  • Discuss environmental perspectives and categorise them as ecocentric, anthropocentric and technocentric.

Lesson 3: Environmental value systems

  • Interpret and draw environmental values systems diagrams
  • Interpret behaviour-time graphs and consider how they reflect changing environmental perspectives.

Lesson 4: The Environmental Movement

  • Discuss the impact of Silent Spring by Rachel Carson on the environmental movement.
  • Produce a timeline of key events in the environmental movement.
  • Lesson 4: The Environmental Movement
  • Discuss the impact of Silent Spring by Rachel Carson on the environmental movement.
  • Produce a timeline of key events in the environmental movement.

Lesson 5: Values Survey (PRACTICAL)

  • PRACTICAL: Design and carry out a values survey.


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Theory of Knowledge questions

  • Our opinions of ourselves and our values are potentially biased (as are all opinions). The only way to truly judge what we value is by reflecting on our actions. To what extent do you agree?
  • Have events throughout the environmental movement shaped our perspectives or are these events a reflection already changing perspectives?